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please don’t walk away
请别走开 请不要离开 请你不要走开  detail>>
so please don’t walk away
请不要离开 请你不要走开  detail>>
don t walk away
别走远  detail>>
don’t walk
禁行 禁止通行等  detail>>
please don
请别说得那么快 有人休息呢  detail>>
to walk away with
顺手牵羊  detail>>
walk away
背着走 出走 离开你 离去 请走开 转身离开 走开  detail>>
run,don’t walk
老虎出监  detail>>
but please don’t leave
但请不要离开  detail>>
don’t cry please
请别哭  detail>>
please don’t you dare
千万不要,  detail>>
but before you walk away
但你走  detail>>
if you turn and walk away,
你转身走开时, 如果你转身便离开  detail>>
start to walk away, then stop
欲行又止  detail>>
to walk away from
走出  detail>>
try again or walk away
从新开始或是远远离开 是再爱一次还是远远离去  detail>>
turn and walk away
转身就走  detail>>
walk away from
从...旁边走开, 轻易地胜过  detail>>